Our Goals
Accelerate the deployment of alternative fuel vehicles, hybrid and electric vehicles, and the installation of alternative fuel infrastructure in Central Oklahoma and throughout the state.
Forward the adoption of fuel-saving technologies and practices such as mass transit, bicycling, walking, and carpooling.
Encourage idle reduction, fuel economy improvements, and smarter driving practices to improve the region’s air quality.
Advance economic and job growth opportunities in Central Oklahoma.
Our Strategies
Build partnerships with public and private-sector transportation stakeholders.
Dispense objective information, data driven tools, funding opportunity information, and resources to fleets and local decision makers.
Collect and share best practices, data, and lessons learned to inform local decisions and build a network.
Provide technical assistance to help fleets and end users implement alternative fuels, advanced vehicles, and fuel-saving measures.
Work with industry partners and fleets to solve problems, and identify and address technology barriers.
Leverage people and resources to encourage investment, resulting in successful implementation of advanced transportation and fueling infrastructure development projects.
Empower stakeholders by sharing success stories with the public.
Regional Air Quality Plan
ACOG and the Central Oklahoma Clean Cities Coalition have embarked on producing a Regional Air Quality Plan that will provide a roadmap of how Central Oklahoma can remain in-attainment with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
Get Involved!
Join the Central Oklahoma Clean Cities Coalition, get in touch, or sign up for our newsletter.